War on Negative Thoughts
The negative thoughts were always digging into my brain. They were like tiny cat claws carefully probing each little fold of gray matter until I gave a mental jerk. Then they would pounce and hold on for their gleeful little lives as I tried to shake them off, ultimately failing.
Negative thoughts, or negative self-talk, became so habitual I didn’t even know I was doing it. My daily inner dialog became toxic and adversarial. The most important relationship I could have on this planet, the one with myself, was filled with verbal abuse. I accepted it. It was my normal.
The battle to overcome negative thoughts is an important one. If I had to pick one change I have made to better my life I would say that battling negative thoughts, or negative self-talk, was one of the most important.
Overcoming negative thoughts helps with:
- Creating an awesome relationship with yourself. If you read that and got emotional I want to tell you YES that can happen! You have to fight for it, but it can be yours.
- Dealing with anxiety
- Working through depressed thoughts and feelings
- Improved relationships with others
Understanding and defeating negative thoughts is a very large topic. I have a couple more posts in the pipeline where I go into the science and psychology of developing a plan to deal with this issue. But I wanted to make sure my first post on the topic included actionable steps you can do today to help take back control of your thoughts.
I asked one of my best friends (who happens to be one of the best teachers and natural healers I know), Ann White, to provide a technique for battling negative thinking.
Take it away, Ann.
Stop negative thoughts in their tracks
Ultimately you are in control of what you focus your mind on. It is common for thoughts to bubble up and float in and out while you are going about your business, but you don’t want to maintain your focus on ideas/emotions/thoughts that are troublesome or negative… for as we all know the law of attraction will just reinforce those thoughts by bringing us more negativity. In the end, serving up exactly what we don’t want. Here’s two simple steps you can do anytime, anywhere to stop those negative thoughts right in their tracks and bring about more peace, joy and love to your heart. Remember, what you put out, the universe serves back.
Step #1) Change the channel: You may be mulling over the fight you had with your co-worker yesterday, playing out alternate scenarios or even wishing various curses or judgments on them.
You may be upset about your government politicians or how someone just cut you off in traffic.
Only you can control your monkey mind. Tell yourself “stop”. Tell the universe you are cancelling all negativity, curses or judgments you placed on the situation or person. Tell the universe you are done with this topic and will leave it up to God.
Step #2) Once you’ve made the decision to stop the negative train of thought … choose one, two or all of the following:
- Gratitude: Think about something that you are grateful for. I am grateful for my neighbor cutting my lawn when I didn’t have a lawn mower. I am grateful my spouse made me lunch for work today. I am grateful I have a pet that loves me unconditionally. I am grateful that I have clean clothes. What you are grateful for can be simple or profound. It doesn’t matter as long as the feeling is true and clear. You can focus on one thing or keep coming up with more things that you are grateful for. When you are in a state of gratitude you are telling the universe you deem this positive and open yourself to receive more.
- Silver Lining: Look at the situation or person that troubles you from a higher ground perspective. Look for the possible good that may exist from this or find one good thing about this person. Maybe they’re a snappy dresser? Remember all things come from God and only God knows the true purpose and plan. Even if the situation is horrible, there is a higher plan. In instances where it is a struggle to find the good, perhaps it is a lesson for others to learn from without directly experiencing it. What a blessing!
- Do Something you Love: Nothing changes your energy field faster or more fully than engaging in something that you truly love. For some people this is hugging their pet. For some it is talking about their work or their hobby. Perhaps it’s thinking about a new child or grandchild. It could be humming or singing your favorite song. Maybe it’s making a doodle in the dirt with a stick. If it’s a positive action that does not inflict harm on yourself or others, and it makes you happy…please do it! You are truly shining your Light from God when you are in this state, open to universal energy and abundance and being a positive force on this planet. The happier you truly are the more you transform yourself, others and this planet.
-Ann White
Part 1 Conclusion
Becoming a warrior is more than just running or lifting weights. In order to grow and become more congruent with ourselves we have to have a strong mind and spirit as well. Negative thoughts rip at our mind and spirit until nothing is left but shreds.
Being the master of our own minds is probably the greatest challenge of being a warrior. The gains we make mentally are far more powerful for both our spiritual and physical health than anything else.
Take some time today, and each day, to become aware of your thoughts. Awareness is the first step. Don’t judge them. Don’t agree or disagree with them. Just become aware.
To be continued…