Written by my friend Ann White Now you know what to look out for. You know the signs and symptoms of being off balance, under the spell of negativity or going round about on the karmic wheel. What do you do about it? Clear Yourself. Below is not an exhaustive list, but it is currently […]
What I want to tell my children about: Clearing Part II

What needs to be cleared Written by my friend Ann White This is not an all inclusive list. These are the main blocks that I frequently come across in myself or others. It is also important to note that it’s not always necessary to know what the block is. If you’re off, clear yourself. It […]
What I want to tell my children about: Clearing Part I
Clearing – Part I – What is it and why should I do it? Written by my friend Ann White Your body receives and processes Universal Energy thru the chakras. This energy is vital to maintaining the energy field surrounding your body. This energy field (aura) helps to maintain and keep your physical body healthy. […]
What I would want to tell my children about: Energy Vampires
People who drain your energy: Written by my friend Ann White Also known as energy vampires, these people are so blocked off from Universal Energy, that they need to absorb/steal/take it from others. They will leave you feeling drained, exhausted, tired, depressed, lethargic and plain down in the dumps. They do this every time you […]
What I would want to tell my children about: Energy
There is much more to being human than what we can see. Each day our bodies function on a level far beyond what we can see or perceive…