What needs to be cleared
Written by my friend Ann White
This is not an all inclusive list. These are the main blocks that I frequently come across in myself or others. It is also important to note that it’s not always necessary to know what the block is. If you’re off, clear yourself. It won’t hurt, it can only help.
Curses and Judgments
Any time you curse of judge someone you’re hurling energy out of your own field at them, in a negative way.
This projection may hurt them, but it also drains and hurts you. When you are in a negative state you are also cutting yourself off from Universal Energy. You’re actually giving yourself a double whammy while the person you despise is only getting sacked once. Likewise if someone is cursing and judging you, they’re throwing part of their energy field onto yours in a negative way. In either case you need to clear those curses and judgments in order to clear your energy field.
Emotional Energy
Our energy field contains the emotions we’ve held onto from the day, week, lifetime or previous lifetimes. Hate your boss and can’t stop thinking about it? Mad at the world and it seems every moment reminds you of it? So over excited about the front row tickets to the concert that you can’t concentrate on anything else? You love this person so much you feel like you’d die without them?
Often these emotions are persistent and out of balance, and they can throw your energy field off balance. When you are off balance you are no longer in a neutral and peaceful state. This is when you say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, make the wrong decision, etc… Often you regret it later.
Clear yourself so you are level headed and neutral and see the correct path for yourself. Also, think of the other people in your life that you affect. How beneficial would it be for you to act in a level headed and neutral state for your loved ones, co-workers or neighbors? Think of the ability you’d have to diffuse tense situations and to stop perpetuating negativity just by being clear and centered yourself. If only everyone could do this maybe we’d have greater world peace.
Thought forms
When you consistently think about something and have a strong emotional tie to it, the energy you put into it creates a form that can be perceived psychically.
Examples of thought forms: Buying a new car is stressful. Retirement is scary. I’ll never find the perfect mate. I’m ugly. Marriages never work out. I am unworthy of love. Everyone should own a home.
Wherever our mind goes, so does energy. These thought forms will follow you around and lodge into your energy field.
They can persist to reinforce their message and they can influence others that come in contact with your energy field. Can you think of any thought forms that were your mother’s or father’s that you have picked up, and that have held influence over you?
Make sure to clear any thought forms that do not serve you and for heaven’s sake clear the ones you’ve picked up from others that do not serve you.
Disembodied spirits can hang around someone’s energy field or personal space. In the extreme case they can push the Soul aside and “pop” into their body. These entities may be benign, helpful or harmful. Some may be here to help you like your grandma Rose. Some did not leave this level in peace and are looking for some sort of resolution. Some are caught in the astral realm looking for a body they can invade.
Some got lost on their way home. Some are just plain fascinated by your shining light that they are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. If you feel there are unhelpful or down right harmful ones in your energy field, it’s time to send them back home to the Light. Some may refuse to go home, but it’s perfectly OK to tell them that they are not welcome in your energy field and you want them to go now, immediately. This is your body, your energy field, and you were given it so that you could come here to learn and grow. It is your right to have it free of outside influences that do not serve you.
In this department an ounce of prevention is also worth a pound of cure. Avoidance of alcohol and drugs are important. When you get buzzed or high you are giving up control over your body. These substances cause the etheric layer of your aura to break down and you are no longer protected from the astral realm. Entities from this realm are then free to jump into your field and in cases of consistent use/abuse will gain foothold into your body. They exert their influence over what you say, think, feel and do.
Most often they want you to continue abusing substances that let them in, and with time their foothold grows stronger, possibly into possession. Take charge of your own body. Be grateful that it was given to you as an opportunity to come to this Earth and to further your spiritual progression.
Don’t waste your precious gift. If not, you get to come back and do it all over again, until you get it right.
Etheric Cords
People can generate energy cords or attachments to other people, animals, places, etc…
If the attachment is not of a pure and loving kind, it can have a very draining effect on the person they’ve attached to. Also, if you’re the one doing the attaching, when you put all of your energy out there into another person/place/thing, eventually you’ll drain yourself. Time to cut the cords and reclaim what energy is yours, and send what’s not on it’s way. Many times cords are generated because you can’t stop thinking about another person, or you have strong feelings about them. They can be of the purest intention or skewed with negativity/manipulation/desire. Either way, those projections can be draining.
To keep your energy field full and in a clear state of other influences, it’s best to cut the cords.
Psychic Attacks/Energetic Implements
Have you ever had the experience of: She shot daggers with her eyes at me. When I walked over to talk to her it’s like she punched me in the gut. It felt like he stabbed me in the back, etc… These are actual energetic implements that someone generated and hurled at your energy field. If you were not protected, these forms can actually stick and cause physical pain or ailments. In my experience doing CranioSacral work with clients, I’ve been aware of removing psychic implements from people’s energy fields.
Knowing this information does not give you cart blanch to run around throwing psychic implements at everyone you dislike. Remember you are a creator that is held responsible for everything you create. What you do comes back to you. You may get it this lifetime or in another one, but you won’t get away Scott free. You are also depleting your energy field by hurling parts of it at others and you’re also blocking yourself off from Universal Energy because of your state of negativity and imbalance. You actually hurt yourself more than you hurt the other person.
If you are unfortunate enough to hurl these at a spiritual master, these implements will actually be deflected right back to you, because their field will repel it. Sometimes these implements can be self imposed. A client came in once with a chief complaint of breastbone pain. During her session she recalled feeling betrayed by an old boyfriend who left her for another woman. She said it was a like a dagger in her chest.
Interestingly enough she pointed to where her breast bone pain was. The boyfriend didn’t put it there, she told me he was truly apologetic. Her emotional grief had manifested this way and lodged itself in her field. She was still mourning this loss over 40 years later. In these cases of self imposed implements, they can only be successfully cleared if the person is ready to resolve/let go of the issue that generated it. As a therapist we can not remove them and have them stay “gone” if the client has not released the situation behind it. It will just re-manifest later, the same physical ailment will return and there will be no long term “cure” for the client.
Physic Residue of Previous Traumas
It can be from this lifetime or previous lifetimes. This usually happens because there’s a strong emotion generated around the trauma that didn’t get cleared.
I have had the personal experience of someone clearing me of a sword that was still in my field from many lifetimes ago. I could psychically see and feel it as it was being removed. If I was not ready to move on from the karmic lesson, then it wouldn’t have been brought to my attention or released when it did.
Often past lifetime traumas can appear in your current lifetime as a phobia or fear with no current lifetime cause or exposure. In other words, you have never had an experience or negative training by others regarding the issue; but you are for some reason afraid of it or want to avoid it like the plague. People might think you’re crazy or irrational. It’s quite possible that you’re reacting to a previous lifetime trauma. Clear it from your field, heal the trauma, learn the lesson so you can move past the imbalance.
Loyal Forces of the Opposition
They can tag along for the ride and influence your energy field. They can also get “inside” and cause you to act/think in a negative way or make you physically ill. Their goal is to trip you up on your way home to God. It’s high time we recognize these forces when they’re there and clear them out. How do you know if you have any? Usually I know when I’m consistently negative about everything, I don’t feel like doing anything and it’s a struggle to take care of myself. I will persistently be grouchy and snappy and reject anything that is positive, kind or loving.
I pursue or enjoy negative activities. Later on if it persists or gets worse I get physically ill, and it usually presents with the same symptoms: unyielding headache and nausea. I’m not sure if everyone experiences this, but they’re my tell tale signs and as soon as I’m done clearing, the physical symptoms are gone, like they never happened. Also, my energetic funk totally disappears. It’s like I was reborn again and everything is joyful and positive and so am I.
By the way, I never call them by name and I suggest you don’t as well. Remember energy follows what you think about. You don’t want to attract them to you or give them power just by thinking about them or saying their name out loud.
They are not to be feared, they are not to be battled. Redirect your focus towards your loving and God, for they can not exist in these highest of frequencies.